What do I want my children to have as memories? Of course some of the same things I remember... Weren't we all Wonder Woman or SuperMan at some point? Jumping off buildings (swing sets) in a single bound? -- okay sorry Mom and Dad, but we did jump off the barn roof too, among other things that will not be admitted to you or my children.
I just don't know where to find the time... With 5 kids and working full time, our schedules are jam packed. And this is without extra activities, like soccer or girl scouts. I am reluctant to even add those to my schedule. But I am missing out on their childhood... and so are they. I have even taken to pacifying and bribing them with video game play (the current favorite is Smurfs Dance Party for Wii), just to get other things done.
Here is a list of some favorite memories from my childhood:
- roaming free
- building forts
- blanket forts
- playing board games
- learning how to shuffle a deck of cards
- getting my nails done (by my mom -- which first involved soaking them in warm water and soap)
- riding my bike
- a sick day of Sonic video game play (my brother and I beat it -- I can't even tell you what we were sick from)
- Disney Movie night (on TV)
What I am afraid my children will remember:
- me being on my cell phone
- me placating them with video games
- being sent outside to play on the swing set so I could clean the house
Although, reading my list of memories.. I am *now* sure that some of those items were my parents shooing us away to get things done.
So how do I accomplish "Not missing out on Childhood" from their end and mine?
I don't get home from work till about 6pm or 6:30pm... I make dinner.. we eat dinner.. and then its off to bed at 8:30pm. Not much time in there. In the morning its getting everyone ready, making lunches, and then out the door and off to daycare/school/work.
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