Tuesday, January 26, 2010

blah.. blah.. and yada.. yada

"Oh, no she didn't!! She didn't just 'Yada.. Yada' her blog title!!"

Oh, yes.. oh yes I did!! I totally 'Yada.. Yada'd' my blog title!!
And you know what.. I LOVE it!! :D

In all seriousness I don't have much to say, nothing all that new exciting in the lives of "M & P" (hmmm.. What kind of celebrity name could we have? "Paudie" "Padison" "Maul" -- eww no not that one, got to stick with the "P" in front -- "Paddie" idk. What can you come up with?)

We both started our online courses for school. I don't know what I am thinking taking 5 online courses and working full time and starting the foster/adopt stuff plus continuing to TTC. I just keep telling myself.. It'll all be worth it! Oh, I got a new 'do (I updated my profile pic with it)!! I totally stole it from my not so baby sister. I have to admit its nice to have someone look like you. She can try out a hairstyle and I can say "Hey, if it looks good on her... it will definitely look good on me!" And one more final thought... Orienation for Foster Care is on Thursday! I am kind of excited and a bit nervous... we don't really have lots of questions because as I've mentioned before my parents are foster parents, but I am really interested in what the process will be like here and if they have any reccomendations for age groups and number of kids we should take on. More to come on that topic on Friday... I am soo ready for Friday.

Oh and on a TTC note.. I took an OPK (ovulation test) today and totally forgot to look at it! I don't know how I managed to remember to pee on the stick, but then leave it sitting on my bathroom counter without actually checking the results. So I had to text P. and let him know that there was a pee-stick on the counter and to not touch it (well, first of all because there is dried pee on it and secondly..) because I hadn't looked at it to know if it was positive or negative. I really am not a good morning person!


So yes.. I have "peas on my counter".


  1. Can't wait to hear about orientation!!! Good luck balancing all of that - I could barely do 5 classes and working full time in college!

  2. he-he peas on the counter....and that is quite a load this semester, but if any one can do it well...it is YOU!

  3. I vote for "Paddison"!

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. WOW! five courses that is alot I am sure you will do well with it. I am horribe about managing my home time.
    As for you stick, I did the samething yesterday so all day at work I was wondering what it said, couldn't wait to get home and see it. Who would have thought I would be excited to see a pee stick!



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