In March we took two new placements (again for privacy purposes their names will be changed): "D"ylan (boy) and "E"mma (girl). At the time, they were placed with us "D" was 8 weeks old and he slept through the night (he still sleeps through the night) and "E" was 2 1/2 years old. "D" is a pretty cheery little guy.. although he does turn into a gremlin if he is overtired. And "E" was quite shy in the beginning... she wouldn't talk to adults and barely spoke. We initially thought she had some sort of developmental or cognitive delay, but she has come around... first speaking with the other children and then forming trust with the adults in her life and having full on conversations with us. They are an interesting addition to the home and family unit, but they are foster children... we have no plans on pursuing adoption should they be unable to be reunified. We know that this is best for them and our family and that there is an amazing set of people out there who would be blessed to have them should they be unable to be reunited with biological family.
And, happily our family is complete!! The missing puzzle piece has been found and we are overjoyed that "C"indy and "B"ella are our daughters! We had a small ceremony at church, in which we said a prayer with our congregation and some of our family was able to attend (not living in the same state as our families can be a drag for moments like this). The girls started the school year with their new names and were soo excited!!
We've had some behavioral issues with "B"ella post adoption and my anxiety has shot through the roof! But we are working through things, her therapy sessions have increased and so has my listening to Love & Logic CD's during my commute. We have discussed medication, but really feel that isn't a great choice, given her past and possible predisposition to addiction. We'd like to utilize Occupational/Behavioral Therapy instead of medication... she is only 5 years old and with her trauma history is emotionally a 3 year old (maybe 4 year old).. so her behaviors are on target for her emotional age. Sometimes meeting her where she is emotionally is easier said then done... again that is where L&L is my saving grace... along with giving myself a time-out.
Right now she said she enjoys writing sentences as a consequence.. I believe it gives her time to process right from wrong. She writes 5 sentences.. usually it is "I will sit on the carpet at circle time." and she says the sentence as she writes. The next day she has a great day at school.. there are some mornings that she just wakes up on the wrong side of the bed. And its like dealing with Oscar the Grouch. She'll do everything in her power to annoy every person in our home.. typically the other children. And once she is put in a time out for that... she is on the wrong foot for the rest of the day. Tuesday it was turning off and on the kitchen lights while I was getting ready.. I hear "A"arron screaming at her "DOP IT!! I TANT SEE!! DOP ITT!!!!" and "E"mma "Peas Stop!!" and even "C"indy "They are asking you nicely!" Finally, I call down.. "That's it, turn the lights back on and sit on the step until we are ready to leave!" Yah not very L&L of me... its not always easy to be a consultant parent.. the drill sargent comes much more naturally for me. HOOORAHH!!
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